Practical guide: How to implement due diligence

Human rights and environmental due diligence is a concept developed by the UN 10 years ago, but it has been gaining momentum in recent months. It is a core of the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive proposal presented by the European Commission in February, and is also included as a precondition for sustainable activities and financial products in the EU Taxonomy and the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation. What does it mean for businesses? And how to do it? We answer the due diligence FAQs in our practical e-book.

What will you find in the e-book?

By answering the most crucial questions on human rights and environmental due diligence, we have put together a practical guide on how to implement due diligence in your company. In the material, you will find a step-by-step explanation of the due diligence process, a description of good and bad practices, and a summary of due diligence costs and benefits, all accompanied by practical examples, infographics, and references to useful sources.


  • What does due diligence mean?
  • Has due diligence been regulated?
  • How should due diligence be implemented?
  • How can a company identify and assess negative impacts?
  • How can a company cease, prevent or mitigate impacts?
  • What are examples of good and bad practice?
  • What are the costs of implementing due diligence?
  • Are there additional costs for customers?
  • What are further benefits of conducting due diligence?

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