ESG learning, manuals and tools

We will provide you with manuals and tools to prepare ESG reporting independently. We will provide tailored training for your expert team.

Our approach is unique in the ESG consulting market. As an ESG service provider, we do not try to make your company dependent on our services. Our goal is for the client to build up sufficient in-house ESG know-how and need us as little as possible in the future. We want to make ESG an integral part of your business so that you do not have to employ external consultants.

The core of the internal know-how consists of the following four steps:

  • Basic training on ESG legislation for company management and internal implementation teams.
  • 3 x specialized workshops for the company's ESG team on carbon footprint, double materiality and data consolidation.
  • Afterwards we will deliver: manuals for ESG reporting, EU Taxonomy and ESRS compliance. These are the most advanced ESG know-how developed by our experts who are directly involved in defining ESG reporting standards and the related CSSSD management standards in the expert bodies of the European Commission.
  • When implementing ESG standards in your company, we will be on hand with specific questions that arise from the client's experience working with the manuals we prepare.
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Our clients

ESG report analysis of 100 European companies

Download Frank Bold's analysis showing how European companies in five key sectors are coping with the new sustainability rules under the CSRD and ESG standards. We assess dual materiality, transition plans and sustainability responsibilities. The paper informs the development of sector standards and implementation guidelines.

Leaders in the Frank Bold Advisory team

Filip Gregor

Senior ESG Expert

Marie Machálková

ESG Consultant & Team Leader

David Janků

Senior ESG Consultant &
Business Development Manager

Milan Kolcun

Senior Consultant

Martina Vidová

PR Account Manager

And 100+ experts in the Frank Bold Group

Naše služby

ESG workshop

Provedeme vás legislativním rámcem ESG reportingu a vysvětlíme souvislosti a potřebné kroky.

Výpočet uhlíkové stopy

Spočítáme uhlíkovou stopu vaší společnosti ve Scope 1, 2 a 3.

Analýza dvojí materiality

Posoudíme vaše dopady, rizika a příležitosti, abyste byli připraveni na sběr dat a tvorbu zprávy o udržitelnosti.


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