European businesses are facing growing geopolitical challenges that impact both their competitiveness and sustainability. At the Frankly Speaking conference held by Frank Bold at the end of January in Brussels, experts discussed how Europe can secure its strategic independence, drive innovation, and maintain high social and environmental standards.
Europe is pursuing the competitiveness and commitments set out in the Green Deal. At the Frankly Speaking on Sustainability & Competitiveness conference, hosted by the Frank Bold expert group on 30 January in Brussels and also available online, sustainability specialists will focus on how sustainability-focused legislative frameworks can support innovation, enhance security and respond to the challenges of an uneven global playing field.
This study focuses on the sustainability information sharing of 15 major financial entities (FMPs) and 45 affiliated investment products that meet the requirements of the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulations (SFDR). It provides important insights into the objectives and practices of Article 8 and 9 products, highlights key issues and highlights emerging examples of good practice.
Panelists at the dedicated mastermind session at Bold Future 2024 focused on one of the biggest challenges of ESG reporting: capturing and processing relevant data across the value chain.
Former UK MEP Richard Howitt shares his insights on how business attitudes towards monitoring the social impact of business have changed in less than a quarter of a century.
Is sustainability data collection and ESG reporting a green scarecrow to worry about?
How prepared are major companies in the European Union to meet the new sustainability and ESG reporting obligations, according to the latest analysis by Frank Bold.
Urbanity came out on top in this year's SME category.
All data and key indicators mapping the development mission were collected in collaboration with the expert team of Frank Bold Advisory.
In real estate, long-term cooperation pays off, thanks to which we at Frank Bold Advisory are able to penetrate the client's needs and at the same time have an overview of their projects.
The Frank Bold Expert Group, in cooperation with ClientEarth, presents the final legal analysis of the CS3D, which is now available for download. This analysis analyses all environmental aspects of the Directive in detail and can serve as a tool for national governments, as well as companies and authorities, to maximise its potential over the next two years.
Our tailor-made services are not just an empty slogan, but we always try to adapt our cooperation to the client's needs. So you can contact us not only with the complete ESG report, but also with the preparation of the sub-sections related to the sustainability report.
For holding companies with complicated structures, getting the 2025 ESG reports right will be challenging, which is why in recent weeks we have heard calls from a number of auditors for early preparation in the form of an unregulated 2024 sustainability report now.
We provided the client with a complete communication service aimed at raising the profile of the case, especially in the local press, and getting information to the public.
The European Union member states have finally adopted the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD), with the first companies to comply from mid-2027.
We are preparing the accompanying communication for the implementation of the ESG strategy for Severotisk, one of the largest domestic printers.
The Council of the European Union has approved the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD), albeit in a much reduced version compared to the original proposal.
A glossary of basic acronyms and terms that are essential to navigating the world of sustainability.
What new developments in sustainable finance and non-financial reporting to expect this year, what to prepare for and when? We have prepared an overview of the key changes not only in ESG reporting in 2024.
The ranking announced by the Corporate Social Responsibility Association ranked Urbanity among the Top 10 in the category of small and medium-sized enterprises.
What should a strategy look like that is not just a piece of paper and will stand up to the banks and help with mandatory ESG reporting?
What is a taxonomy and why can companies that get to grips with it gain access not only to cheaper finance but also to entirely new opportunities? Read our article.
Filip Gregor, chief ESG expert at Frank Bold Advisory, was a guest on the Frankly Speaking podcast on responsible business. Read what was discussed in the podcast here.
The current emissions trading system is changing. Read what new developments are coming and how to prepare for them.
We prepared the first ever ESG report and ESG strategy for Urbanity Real Estate Group.
More than a thousand Czech companies will report ESG data according to the European Commission's Uniform European Sustainability Reporting Standards adopted this week.
The calculation of the carbon footprint is the absolute minimum of information in the field of ESG. Companies will need it for mandatory ESG reporting, banks, investors and business partners or customers also require it. In addition, it provides essential guidance for energy saving measures or ESG strategy and commitments. What other valuable information can you find out through emissions calculations? And what is the most common stumbling block? We bring you actual experiences from working with our clients.
At the end of July, the European Commission will officially adopt sustainability reporting standards, according to which hundreds of Czech companies will be required to report their ESG data (under the CSRD). The Commission made several last-minute changes to the draft legislation. We are therefore the first to give you a summary of them.
We have been involved in an innovative solution that will help mainly small and medium-sized companies to collect the diverse data needed to calculate their carbon footprint. Read more.
Just a few years ago, the acronym ESG was known only to insiders, but today this term for sustainability aspects is part of the mainstream. The letters ESG (E – Environment, S – Social, G – Governance) are used to describe everything related to sustainability, especially in business.
"Even a small company that is part of the supply chain has to deal with sustainability and ESG reporting indirectly."
We bring you an update on the development of ESG reporting standards directly from Brussels
Read what it takes to prepare an ESG report for a Czech property development company and what benefits the reporting can bring to the company.
The construction sector is facing major changes in the context of the EU's climate neutrality target. Read on for a summary of the highlights.
What myths about ESG reporting are circulating now? We pick out the most common ones and explain how it really is.
A new unique guide, developed by Frank Bold experts for the Prague Stock Exchange, will help companies navigate the European sustainability reporting rules.
Své dosavadní zkušenosti s posuzováním projektů i s regulacemi v oblasti ESG představili zástupci největších českých bank na konferenci Bold Future.
Na jaká data by se vaše firma měla zaměřit při ESG reportingu a jaká jsou specifika technologických firem.
Reportingu dopadů na udržitelnost v segmentu luxusních hodinek se věnuje aktuální článek prestižních New York Times.
Zatímco ještě před rokem nebylo o zkratce ESG slyšet, dnes už ji zná skoro každý. Takzvané ESG investice mají předehnat ty běžné už v roce 2025.
Aktuální číslo E15 magazínu z tohoto týdne se tentokrát z mnoha úhlů zaměřuje na ESG a s ním související trendy jako je greenwashing i pinkwashing.
Jaké ESG téma má největší prioritu pro bankovnictví a kapitálové trhy? Nedávný výzkum ukázal, že je to snižování emisí oxidu uhličitého a dalších skleníkových plynů.
Data ukazují, že kvalitní reporting o udržitelnosti vede k lepšímu obchodnímu růstu.
Jak bude Česko dodržování nařízení SFDR vymáhat na základě novelizace českého zákona, která je účinná od konce května 2022.
Pro investiční fondy a společnosti v jejich portfoliu znamenají zelené investice lepší přístup k financím mobilizovaným v rámci evropského Green Dealu.
Chystáte se zavést ve vaší společnosti ESG reporting, ale máte více otázek než odpovědí? Nejste sami. Časté dotazy firem začínajících s reportingem jsme shrnuli v našem článku.
V České republice se reportování takzvaných “ESG” informací dotkne více než tisícovky společností. Cílem legislativy je zajistit transparentnost na trhu a umožnit efektivní přesměrování financí do zelené transformace ekonomiky.
Zorientovat se v otázkách ESG a související legislativě a vysvětlit, jak mají téma firmy prakticky pojmout má za cíl ESG Akademie, kterou na začátku června spustila Změna k lepšímu, jejíž členem je i Frank Bold. Akademie se zaměřuje především na malé a střední podniky.
Po začátku ruské invaze na Ukrajinu se mnoho společností potýkalo s otázkami, zda, kdy a jak opustit ruský trh. V polovině května 2022 oznámilo odchod z Ruska asi 1000 společností.
Čtěte o tom, jaká rizika v souvislosti s ESG banky zohledňují v rozhovoru s manažerem udržitelnosti v České spořitelně Matúšem Púllem.
Chaotické prostředí ESG reportingu bez jednotných pravidel pro zveřejňování informací o udržitelnosti by měly brzy nahradit společné reportovací standardy.
Evropská komise v reakci na ruskou invazi na Ukrajinu zveřejnila balíček opatření REPower EU, která mají řešit současnou cenovou i bezpečnostní krizi.
Evropské firmy už mohou nahlédnout do návrhu standardů pro reporting o udržitelnosti, podle kterých budou v příštích letech reportovat.
Rozhovor pro časopis Reflex s CEO Frank Bold Pavlem Francem o tom, jak se co nejdříve musejí transformovat stavební průmysl, finanční sektor i státní správa.
Jaké kroky musíte podniknout, pokud chcete využít potenciál zelených dluhopisů? Shrnujeme pro vás to nejdůležitější ve 4 krocích.
Válka na Ukrajině naplno ukazuje, že současná evropská závislost na fosilních zdrojích z Ruska ohrožuje bezpečnost a nese s sebou velká ekonomická rizika. Cestou k udržitelnosti a bezpečnosti je urychlení přechodu na obnovitelné zdroje energie (OZE).
Nová legislativa se dotkne největších firem s více než 500 zaměstnanci a příjmy vyššími než 150 milionů eur. Vztahovat se bude také na firmy s více než 250 zaměstnanci v rizikových sektorech.
Co přesně due diligence pro byznys znamená a jaké benefity firmám přináší? Odpoví experti v našem článku. (ESG due diligence)
Obchodní aktivity firem nesplní požadavky na udržitelnost, pokud jejich dodavatelské řetězce potažmo hodnoty budou spojeny s odlesňováním nebo nucenou a dětskou práci.
V České republice jsme analyzovali české společnosti, jako jsou Komerční banka, ČEZ, Škoda auto, Česká spořitelna nebo Kofola.
In the interview, Filip Gregor from Frank Bold answers the key questions for the future of Czech companies, investors and banks and explains that the EU Taxonomy should make it easier for them to navigate the green transformation.
One of the important current trends in the business world is the transformation of the economy towards sustainable activities, which are increasingly becoming the focus of interest for investors and banks.
We are part of the Frank Bold Expert Group
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