ESG Training

We have gathered unique know-how on ESG reporting, EU Taxonomy and current requirements of the CSRD for Czech companies, which we will present to you in a practical form.

We are Europe's leading experts in ESG reporting. We create European ESG standards as members of the Sustainability Reporting Board EFRAG and are the authors of practical ESG Reporting Guidelines not only for Czech companies. Let the professionals train you.

We will give you a custom-made ESG training. We will come to you, connect online or welcome you to our offices.

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Our clients

Our team

Filip Gregor

ESG team leader

Martin Fadrný

Lawyer and senior consultant

David Janků

Reporting consultant

Olga Kurda

Reporting consultant

Eva Pelikánová

PR account manager

Download Practical ESG Guidelines

We've gone through hundreds of pages of legal and technical documents on ESG matters. Sign up, and we'll send you a clear and practical summary. You will also receive a record of ESG due diligence webinar and we'll also keep you up to date with other news.


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